Sunday, October 12, 2008

Business Tips

Work At Home Online Business Tips by Cynthia Minnaar

Sometimes it can be a bit of a juggle finding enough hours in the day around your day job to successfully start and build a work at home online business, so herewith some tips to make your online home business building process smoother.

When starting a work at home online business and going through the training there always appears to be so much to do and of course we want to get everything set up as quickly as possible in order to start making money online.

However, you may find that a lot of the information that you are provided with is totally new to you and so before being able to implement the tasks you may need to learn some additional skills and so you need to try and avoid suffering from information overload.

By trying to get as much done as possible in the few hours available without having a total understanding of what you are doing will only lead to confusion and frustration. It can become overwhelming, so you need to focus on one task at a time and try and stay organized and work as efficiently as possible. Making use of To-Do Lists helps - you could have an urgent list, important list, daily, weekly and monthly lists.

It is highly likely that you will want to implement some changes to your website but at this stage your knowledge of html is really minimal, so you first may need to spend some time learning html before you move on to the stage of being able to successfully make changes to your website.
You will also be eager to start driving traffic to your work at home online business website and may want to implement a pay-per-click advertising campaign but your experience in this area of advertising is also lacking. Again you would need to spend time learning the ins and outs of pay-per-click before starting a campaign otherwise it could end up costing you dearly.

There are many internet marketing methods that you would no doubt be introduced to during your work at home online business training, such as article marketing, email marketing, forum marketing, blogging, traffic exchanges, safelists, pay per click, classified ads, ezine advertising, social bookmarking, etc. Avoid trying to implement them all at once.

Choose one and focus on it until you are having success then move on until you have 2 or 3 methods that you are skilled at.You may like to initially focus on building your list by getting subscribers to sign up for your work at home online business ideas newsletter.

You can do this by buying leads, placing classified ads with your autoresponder email address in it rather than your website address, put an exit pop up on your home page, put a newsletter sign up form on all of your web pages, etc. Each new subscriber you get to your newsletter means that you are making progress.

You could for example then move on to learning how to write and distribute articles which is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website as you will be building back links to your website which will result in higher positions in the search engine results.Building a work at home online business is a step-by-step process and takes time.

It is rather like building a house, you cannot put the roof on until the walls are built and you cannot build the walls until the foundations are laid and so building an online home business needs to follow a similar logical process.

Don't rush, take your time and get to grips with the information provided in order to build a solid foundation to your online home business. Choose the internet marketing methods that are most effective for you and build your work at home online business one step at a time instead of trying to implement everything all at once.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Money Online

Can You Really Make Money Online?

Internet marketing, surveys, affiliates, telecommuting, eBay, service and product websites; are all unique opportunities available to help you create an online business. Can you make money online? The answer is an unqualified yes.

Internet marketing, which is probably the most popular method to make a living today; while difficult, is nonetheless a lucrative endeavor. You may have seen ads promoting services or products by internet marketers who boast earnings well into the millions. Affiliate marketing is another area in which you can derive commissions by linking to other sites within your same niche. Surveys offer you a chance to earn extra income, albeit, not enough to supplement an income but certainly offers you an opportunity to accrue a bit of cash. eBay is another means by which you can make money online. Perhaps you have items in your home you wish to sell, or have collected baseball cards. There is definitely money to be made on eBay. They offer tutorials and guides to assist you in every facet of selling online.

Telecommuting is becoming more and more popular especially for work at home moms and retirees. While companies are looking to decrease their expenditures, more and more of them are specifically targeting positions for work at home jobs in areas such as: data entry, typing, transcription services, customer service, virtual assistants, administrative, secretarial and many other service oriented positions. For example: A medical transcription worker is in high demand due to the aging population. Employers offer the tools and the certification needed to perform these tasks. In addition, there is plenty of work at home sites for moms, wherein they could find jobs posted daily by the site owners. There are websites offering tutorials on start-up businesses; and message boards.

Search any of the work at home online websites and you will be bombarded with links to everything from surveys; product sales; auction sites; and software tools guaranteeing monetary success. You need to research the area you are most interested in, and determine the legitimacy of the websites in question, then proceed from there. Stay away from sites who ask for a fee. You should not have to pay a penny to apply for any position. Visit forums specific to your niche. Connect with the many experts available who can offer their assistance in areas such as: marketing, joint ventures, affiliates, search engine optimization, and all of necessary tools you will need for a start-up business. If you are a writer, offer your services to others on the forums, blogs, or article sites. Content for websites is in high demand.

If you are proficient in internet technology and have a product or service website, you can certainly achieve success in this field. Or, if your specialty is graphic arts or website construction, you can offer your services online as well. Begin with researching the various legitimate sites available. Bookmark those sites which interest you, and revisit them later. While there are no guarantees, you will certainly make the necessary connections which will eventually yield results. You can make money online; it takes time, determination, and the ability to stay focused on the prize.

Work From Home

Making It Work From Home
Let me tell you a bit about me... I used to work as full time retail assistant 8am to 5pm and with 2 young kids I was giving most of my hard earned cash to the childcare center.

One day about 9 months ago a friend told me how she was making $300 a day for just a few hours work on her computer. I didn't believe her but she showed me how she was doing it and decided to try for myself. I started off by doing some online surveys and also selling on eBay.

Anyway, before I knew it I was earning double what I got at my normal job for just a couple of hours of my time in the evenings and weekend, needless to say I quit that day job !

Ever since then I have carried on working from home and the great thing is that I work the hours that suit me and my family. I can look after my kids during the day, I can do the housework, I can socialize and I can do anything else I want, I just fit in my online work when it suits. I have total freedom and total control over my income. If I want extra money one week I simply just put in more hours.

There are a few paid online survey companies around but if you're going to sign up with one of these it's best to go with one that has been recommended to you by someone who has used them before.

As for selling items on eBay you can source products to sell from the many wholesale directories out there but be careful, I have paid money for wholesale directories only to find that some of the suppliers don't even exist or they expect to be paid by Western Union. (never pay anyone by Western Union !) By far the greatest genuine wholesale directory if you want to source products cheaply is Salehoo.

There are many other ways to make a successful living from home online and I have compiled a list that I call my Top 5. These are definitely good starting points for anyone thinking of giving it a go working from home:
Life is too short to be spending all your time making someone else rich, work for yourself and get the rewards you deserve !
Before you rush out and quit your regular job, start off with one of the systems from my top 5 list (or any other mentioned on my site) working from home in your spare time and build up until you are earning an income level you are comfortable with, it wont take long. If I can do it then so can you :)
Whatever direction you choose in life I wish you all the best and goodluck !

Thursday, August 7, 2008


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"Selamat mencoba semoga ada manfaatnya"

Tuesday, August 5, 2008



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